CS598HDA: Health Data Analysis

Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Roy H Campbell
Faraz Faghri


The course will consist of paper readings, presentations, and student projects. Students write critiques, make presentations, and create an academic paper suitable for a workshop or conference. We will review the recent advances in the area of health data analysis. Reading selections broadly cover the clinical, genetic, image, and wearables data analysis. Students are expected to have a working knowledge of machine learning, data mining, and programming skills to carry an implementation of a final project (preferably in Python, but all languages are welcome). The project is extremely hands-on. You will experience firsthand all of the journeys a data scientist goes through: data ambiguity, missing data, anomalies, skewness, predictive models, descriptive models, etc.

The course consists of:

Each of these components of the course is discussed below, along with several other administrative issues:

Class sessions

Paper readings and reviews


Research project


Policies on ethics, attribution, and cheating

User data agreement
